Setup VSCode remote development
A lot of reasons can lead us to use EC2 as development environment. We can use VSCode directly to manipulate the environment, git, code...etc on the EC2 remotely.
Assume you already setup ssh config like this:
Host xxxx_jumpserver
Hostname <jump ip...>
User keith
IdentityFile /Users/xxxxx/.ssh/id_rsa
Port 23422
ForwardAgent Yes
PubKeyAuthentication Yes
UseKeychain Yes
Host ec2sandbox
HostName <ec2 host / ip>
User keith
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p xxxx_jumpserver
# Only needed if you want to do port forwarding (tunnel)
LocalForward 8888 localhost:8888
- Open the
- Optional You can install this vscode extension to edit ssh config more easier
And added port forwarding, such as
Install below official VSCode extension
- You will see a button in bottom left after installing the extension
- Click "Connect to Host..."
- The ssh config host which you setup before should appear here as an option. Just choose it and everything would be setup automatically.
- It is done now! You can click File -> open folder to select a remote folder to open as workspace. Also the terminal here would be inside the EC2 already.