SSO connection
Use boto3 with configured sso profile
import boto3
path = "preprocess/output/xxxxxxxx/data.pkl"
des = "./test_s3/data.pkl"
session = boto3.Session(profile_name='test-xxxx')
s3 = session.resource("s3")
for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
List alarm
import boto3 # Create CloudWatch client session = boto3.Session(profile_name='test-xxxx') cloudwatch = session.client("cloudwatch") # List alarms of insufficient data through the pagination interface paginator = cloudwatch.get_paginator('describe_alarms') all_res = [] for response in paginator.paginate(StateValue='OK'): # print(response['MetricAlarms']) all_res.append(response['MetricAlarms']) print(len(all_res))
Get alarms detail
import boto3 # Create CloudWatch client session = boto3.Session(profile_name='test-xxxx') cloudwatch = session.client("cloudwatch") response = cloudwatch.describe_alarms( AlarmNames=[ 'Keith - Test HTTP 5xx API ALB', ], # AlarmNamePrefix='string', # AlarmTypes=[ # 'CompositeAlarm'|'MetricAlarm', # ], # ChildrenOfAlarmName='string', # ParentsOfAlarmName='string', # StateValue='OK'|'ALARM'|'INSUFFICIENT_DATA', # ActionPrefix='string', # MaxRecords=123, # NextToken='string' ) pp(response)
Create Alarm
import boto3 # Create CloudWatch client session = boto3.Session(profile_name='test-xxxxx') cloudwatch = session.client("cloudwatch") # Create alarm cloudwatch.put_metric_alarm( AlarmName='Keith - Test HTTP 5xx inference ALB', AlarmActions= ['arn:aws:sns:xxxxx'], ComparisonOperator='GreaterThanThreshold', MetricName='HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count', Namespace='AWS/ApplicationELB', Period=60, Statistic='Sum', Threshold=0.0, DatapointsToAlarm=1, ActionsEnabled=True, AlarmDescription='Just test. Fire alarm if 5xx http code.', Dimensions=[{ 'Name': 'LoadBalancer', 'Value': 'app/xxxx-alb/xxxxxxxx' }], EvaluationPeriods=1, TreatMissingData='notBreaching' )
- How to track the progress when download file