Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Some images and text are from
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DeepLearning.AI makes these slides available for educational purposes. You may not use or distribute these slides for commercial purposes. You may make copies of these slides and use or distribute them for educational purposes as long as you cite DeepLearning.AI as the source of the slides.
- Slides here are from DeepLearning.AI
Important Deadline
Week | Deadline |
1 | 14 Aug |
2 | 21 Aug |
3 | 28 Aug |
4 | 4 Sep |
Goal of this course
- Build neural network, train it with data
- Example - recognize cat
Week 1 - Introduction to Deep Learning
ReLU function
- rectified linear unit
- rectify = max( X, 0 ) to ensure always ≥ 0
Densely connected
e.g. All input features are connected to all nodes in the next layer, like below
Structure tabular data → standard neural network architecture
Computer vision → Convolutional neural network CNNs
Sequence data (audio, text, time-series…etc) → recurrent neural network RNNs
Thanks to DL, computer can understand more unstructured data than the past.
(I.e. DL is very good at UNSTRUCTURED data)
One of the reasons WHY DL become more popular in recent years
- Thanks to lifestyle technology advance, e.g. mobile, camera, sensors…etc
- i.e. we got much more data
- (Just a conceptual chart) we can see, traditional ML algorithm(red) doesn’t know how to handle large size of data. While Neural Network(esp. larger size) are benefited from the large size of data.
- So it is a simple chart to understand : if less data, we should go for simpler algorithm, or smaller NNs
Another reason - Faster Computation
- Switching from Sigmoid func → ReLU func, it enables the training to be way more faster (I don’t get it though. Maybe checkout the gradient descent formula, that relates to activation func)
So this cycle is faster
Week 2 - Neural network basics
Section 1 - Logistic Regression as a neural network
Binary Classification
- can use logistic regression
Equation looks like:
Notation Example - classification of an image → cat or not
- Let’s say image is 64 x 64 pixel, with RGB 3 channel
- input X - a feature vector with dimension \(n_x\) of (64x64x3)
- e.g. \(x_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 23 \\ 234 \\ 2 \\ ... \end{bmatrix}\) then, whole \(X = \begin{bmatrix} x_1, x_2, ..., x_m \end{bmatrix}\), with the shape of \(( n_x, m )\)
- Andrew claimed, put 1 entity as a column instead of a row that will be easier for later implementation
- output Y - 1 or 0
Its equation is very similar to linear regression, EXCEPT we want the output to be a probability(i.e. between 0 to 1). So we add a sigmoid function to the result of linear regression equation.
i.e. y = sigmoid(wx + b)
where w is an n dimension vector, b is a real number
Alternative notation:
Sometimes people notate the equation slightly differently. They put w
and b
into the same parameters theta. The first element (theta zero) is actually b
, and then x
become a n+1
vector, with the x zero equal to 1.
Cost function:
For Logistic Regression, we cannot use the general square root error equation. Reason is there will not be easy to find global optima, but a lot of local optima.
Instead, we would use some similar equations like this effect
Diff with Loss function, Error function
- Loss/Error Function is how we measure the loss of ONE SINGLE training sample
- While Cost Function, is how we measure the ENTIRE training set
J(w, b) is the cost function, while L(y, y) is the Loss function
Gradient descent:
It is the process to minimize the cost function to the global optima, by updating parameters w
and b
with the step calculated by learning rate & its slope
Computation Graph:
- Useful to understand the flow and the output we want to optimize.
- During a
forward propagation
, we calculate theCost Function
- During a
backward propagation
, we yield thederivative
For example,
Let’s say we want to see how J
changes when a
changes whenv
changes → \(\frac{dJ}{dv}\)v
changes whena
changes → \(\frac{dv}{da}\)-
So, \(\frac{dJ}{da} = \frac{dJ}{dv} . \frac{dv}{da}\) , which calls the
chain derivatives
Other parameter
are calculated in the same way, with 1 more layer though.- \(\frac{dJ}{db} = \frac{dJ}{dv}.\frac{dv}{du}.\frac{du}{db}\) , and
is in the same way
- \(\frac{dJ}{db} = \frac{dJ}{dv}.\frac{dv}{du}.\frac{du}{db}\) , and
In the
Back Propagation
phrase, those (partial) derivatives are calculated, then each parameters can be updated, by a value depending onderivatives
andlearning rate
Note that the output is a Loss Function
here (for ONE sample)
By Backward propagation, we can calculate \(\frac{dL}{dz}\) and reuse it, to calculate the derivatives of w1
, w2
, b
Similarly, for the Cost Function
, we just need to take average of the sum of Loss Function
above (also same for other derivatives dw1, dw2, db), i.e.
Side notes:
In the above calculation, we may use a for loop to iterate m
samples, and another nested for loop to iterate n
parameters (e.g. w1 ~ wn). But in deep learning, we need to avoid for loop as much as we can. So a technique called Vectorization
is important to get rid of most for loop.
Section 2 - Python and Vectorization
In short, avoid using For loop to process list/matrix whenever possible.
For example
- use numpy matrix operation (e.g. sum…etc) for list/matrix
use Python Broadcasting feature to do calculation
- e.g.
Example of vectorizing the basic equation \(z = w^{T}X + b\) in a single node
- \(w =
w_1 \\
w_2 \\
\end{bmatrix}\) where each
is for multiplying eachx
- \(X =
x_1 \\
x_2 \\
where each x refer to each
- So, \(w^{T}X\) is a scalar value
Example of avoiding for loop in the calculation of derivatives in Logistic regression
- 1st loop, looping
training example - 2nd loop, looping x1, x2, x3…xn features in 1 sample
Then the above 2 loops can be converted into Vectorization as below
Cautions! When dealing with vectorization operation, always avoid using rank 1 array. But you should explicitly create the proper dimension even it is with the shape
. As shown below
Numpy exercise:
math.exp() vs numpy.exp()
- We barely use math package in DL, because always handle matrix
- numpy automatically support input as real number, or vector, matrix…etc
Normalization is important
- it allow ML/DL gradient descent to converge faster
- e.g. via
np.linalg.norm(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
Week 3 - Shallow Neural Networks
A NN with one hidden layer is generally called 2 Layer NN
Because the output layer is counted but the input layer is not.
And input layer X
sometimes is referred to a[0]
while other layers i are a[i]
In a logistic regression simple NN, each neuron (node) can be presented in 2 parts like this:
Vectorization of one layer
From previous week2 lecture we learnt Vectorization of ONE NODE
And here is the implementation on the one hidden layer, with multiple nodes
superscript square bracket
= layer 1 subscript1
= node 1 in this layer
By recalling the basic vectorization in previous week2.
- \(z^{[1]}_1\) is the value in node 1 in layer 1
- \(w^{[1]}_1 = \begin{bmatrix} w_1 \\ w_2 \\ w_3 \\ ... \end{bmatrix}\) , and \(x = \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ x_3 \\ ... \end{bmatrix}\) , and \(b^{[1]}_1\) is a scalar
- So, \(z^{[1]}_1 = w^{[1]T}_1 x + b^{[1]}_1\) is a scalar value
From above image, each line of equation in the top right corner is for each nodes.
By applying vectorization to the whole layer, e.g. layer 1
$z^{[1]} = W^{[1]} x + b^{[1]} = \begin{bmatrix} w^{[1]T}_1 \ w^{[1]T}_2 \ ... \end{bmatrix}
\begin{bmatrix} x_1 \ x_2 \ ... \end{bmatrix}
\[\begin{bmatrix} b^{[1]}_1 \\ b^{[1]}_2 \\ ... \end{bmatrix}\]
w^{[1]}_{1,1} & w^{[1]}_{1,2} & ... \\
w^{[1]}_{2,1} & w^{[1]}_{2,2} & ... \\
... & ... & ...
x_1 \\
x_2 \\
b^{[1]}_1 \\
b^{[1]}_2 \\
, where \(w^{[1]}_{1,2}\) ,for example, is w
in node 1
for \(x_2\)
\begin{bmatrix} w^{[1]}{1,1}x_1 + w^{[1]}x_2 + ... + b^{[1]}1 \ w^{[1]}x_1 + w^{[1]}_{2,2}x_2 + ... + b^{[1]}_2 \ ... \end{bmatrix}$
\(= \begin{bmatrix} z^{[1]}_1 \\ z^{[1]}_2 \\ ... \end{bmatrix}\)
For the shape of above equation:
z (4, 1) = W (4, 3) x (3, 1) + b (4, 1)
where 4
is nodes size, 3
is feature size
Thus, the output of layer 1
& layer 2
are as below:
Vectorizing across the whole dataset(X
From the final few equations above, for layer 1 and layer 2, we could think of a for loop easier like left side below. And then convert into vectorization as right side:
- \(z^{[1](i)}\) with the shape (4,1)
- \(Z^{[1]}\) with the shape (4, m) , where
is the size of datasetX
- \(Z^{[1]}\) with the shape (4, m) , where
- \(W^{[1]}\) with the shape (4,3)
- X with the shape (3, m)
- \(b^{[1]}\) with the shape (4,1)
Activation function
For Andrew, he claimed he barely used sigmoid
EXCEPT when the output is a binary classification. i.e. 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. Then the sigmoid
is used in the output layer
Note: so the activation function CAN be different between layers
In short, because it goes through the point (0,0), that the mean is near zero, easier for calculation. It is ALMOST alway better than sigmoid
, EXCEPT when the output is in the range of (0,1)
However, both sigmoid
& tanh
also have a downside. When the z (input of activation function) is very large / very small, its derivative(slope) is very small.
i.e. the gradient descent is small and backward update will be very slow. In such cases, other activation such as ReLU
can perform better. (rectifier linear unit)
Or leaky ReLU
In conclusion, choose the activation function depends on the output. If not sure which activation function to use, try to use ReLU
or tanh
first. And the choice of these activation function would bring impact to the training speed.
Why need nonlinear activation function ?
Put it in short, if use a linear activation function and after factorization of the equation, the final equation of the whole network would be still like \(y = w^{'}x + b^{'}\)
i.e. no matter how many hidden layers, it is similar to a single layer.
So linear activation function
is barely used except in output layer for some rare cases.
Gradient descent of Neural Network
In the course, there are lots of derivatives calculation.
Here is the summary of the equations, for the example in the slides above, with 2 layer NN.
Random Initialization
Avoid initialize weights to zero
Otherwise all unit in the same layer will be the same no matter after any times of iteration and update. i.e. meaningless how many units you have
Also units are not updated correctly or even not updated
Seems, it is called
symmetry breaking problem
is okay to be zero
Correct way - random initialization
Note: Below is a simple version. A more practical way, please refer to the content in course 2 here
Weights should be initialized randomly AND to be some small numbers ( Show as the *0.01
in the below equation, note that it could be other values, 0.001, …etc)
Why ?
- if
are too large →z
is too large →slope of activation
~= 0 - then the backward propagation update is very very slow
Some shapes of variable used in the functions
X shape: (2, 400) a.k.a (n_x, m)
Y: (1, 400)
- n_x: the size of the input layer
- n_h: the size of the hidden layer (**set this to 4, only for this Exercise 2**)
- n_y: the size of the output layer
(n_x, n_h, n_y) = layer_sizes(t_X, t_Y)
# 2, 4, 1
parameters = initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y)
parameters = {"W1": W1, (n_h, n_x)
"b1": b1, (n_h, 1)
"W2": W2, (n_y, n_h)
"b2": b2} (n_y, 1)
A2, cache = forward_propagation(t_X, parameters)
A2 : (1, m)
Z1: (n_h, m)
A1: (n_h, m)
Z2: (1, m)
A2: (1, m)
cost = compute_cost(A2, t_Y)
X : (2, m)
Y : (1, m)
grads = backward_propagation(parameters, cache, t_X, t_Y)
grads = {"dW1": dW1, (n_h, 1)
"db1": db1, (1,)
"dW2": dW2, (1, n_h)
"db2": db2} (1,)
parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads)
def nn_model(X, Y, n_h, num_iterations = 10000, print_cost=False) -> parameters
Week 4 - Deep Neural Network
From previous weeks, we learnt the basic of how neuron / each node works in a shallow NN. And we learnt to calculate:
- In forward propagation, vectorization with Z = WX + B and the activation function A = G(Z)
- In back propagation, vectorization of several derivatives (dA, dZ, dW, dB) and how to update parameters
In this short week 4 content, we just apply above knowledge to a deeper NNs with more layers. And we can observe a general formula
- \(Z^{[l]} = W^{[l]} A^{[l-1]} + B^{[l]}\), where \(A^{[0]}\) is equal to X
- \(A^{[l]} = g^{[l]}(Z^{[l]})\)
- And the formula of back propagation is shown in the screenshot
Note: It is worth caching the Z
& A
value during calculating each node, that will be reused in back propagation.
Why deeper layers?
Andrew used an example of XOR results of x1, x2, x3, ….xn to illustrate. So it is said that deeper layers is better than more units with shallow layers
What is Hyperparameters?
They are another kind of parameters, that affect how real parameters (W, B) will be calculated.
e.g. Learning rate, iterations, layer size, nodes size, activation function choice, …etc
Quiz this week:
- Confusion point:
We don’t calculate dA^l from Z^l, why?
- $\frac{dJ} {dA^{[l]}} = \frac{dJ} {dZ^{[l+1]}} . \frac{dZ^{[l+1]}} {dA^{[l]}} = \frac{dJ} {dZ^{[l+1]}} . \frac{d} {dA^{[l]}} (W^{[l+1]}A^{[l]} + b^{[l+1]})
\ \text{ } \ = dZ^{[l+1]} W^{[l+1]}$
Assignment part 1 of 2 :
Here's an outline of the steps in this assignment:
- Initialize the parameters for a two-layer network and for an L-layer neural network
- Implement the forward propagation module (shown in purple in the figure below)
- Complete the LINEAR part of a layer's forward propagation step (resulting in Z^[l]).
- The ACTIVATION function is provided for you (relu/sigmoid)
- Combine the previous two steps into a new [LINEAR->ACTIVATION] forward function.
- Stack the [LINEAR->RELU] forward function L-1 time (for layers 1 through L-1) and add a [LINEAR->SIGMOID] at the end (for the final layer L). This gives you a new L_model_forward function.
- Compute the loss
- Implement the backward propagation module (denoted in red in the figure below)
- Complete the LINEAR part of a layer's backward propagation step
- The gradient of the ACTIVATE function is provided for you(relu_backward/sigmoid_backward)
- Combine the previous two steps into a new [LINEAR->ACTIVATION] backward function
- Stack [LINEAR->RELU] backward L-1 times and add [LINEAR->SIGMOID] backward in a new L_model_backward function
- Finally, update the parameters
The Network architecture we will implement is:
Variable shape tracking:
parameters = initialize_parameters(3,2,1)
W1 -- weight matrix of shape (n_h, n_x)
b1 -- bias vector of shape (n_h, 1)
W2 -- weight matrix of shape (n_y, n_h)
b2 -- bias vector of shape (n_y, 1)
parameters = initialize_parameters_deep([5,4,3])
""" A dict containing all layers param :
W1 -- weight matrix of shape (n_h, n_x)
b1 -- bias vector of shape (n_h, 1)
W2 -- weight matrix of shape (n_y, n_h)
b2 -- bias vector of shape (n_y, 1)
# Pure Z = WX + b
t_Z, t_linear_cache = linear_forward(t_A, t_W, t_b)
t_A : (n_unit_prev, m)
t_W : (n_unit_now, n_unit_prev)
t_b : (n_unit, 1)
t_Z : (n_unit_now, m)
t_linear_cache : (t_A, t_W, t_b)
# activation_cache contains Z
A, activation_cache = sigmoid(Z)
A, activation_cache = relu(Z)
A, cache = linear_activation_forward(t_A_prev, t_W, t_b, activation = "sigmoid") # or relu
A = (n_unit_now, m)
cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache)
= (
(t_A_prev, t_W, t_b),
# t_parameters from initialize_parameters_deep
t_AL, t_caches = L_model_forward(t_X, t_parameters)
AL : (1, m) # because last layer unit = 1
caches = [
(linear_cache, activation_cache) # layer 1 cache (relu layer)
( # 2nd layer here
(A1, W2, b2),
(linear_cache, activation_cache) # layer L cache (sigmoid output)
t_cost = compute_cost(t_AL, t_Y)
# cost : float
# dz: (cur_unit_size, m), linear_cache = (A_prev, W, b)
dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(t_dZ, t_linear_cache)
t_dA_prev, t_dW, t_db = linear_activation_backward(t_dAL, t_linear_activation_cache, activation = "sigmoid") # or relu
dA_prev: (prev_unit_size, m)
dW: (current_unit_size, prev_unit_size)
db: (current_unit_size ,1)
# AL is last layer output, i.e. y_hat
grads = L_model_backward(AL, Y_gt, caches)
grads: {
dA0: (layer_0_unit_size, m), i.e. (X_feature_size, m)
dW1: (layer_1_unit_size, layer_0_unit_size)
db1: (layer_1_unit_size, 1)
t_parameters = update_parameters(t_parameters, grads, 0.1)
""" A dict containing all layers param :
W1 -- weight matrix of shape (n_h, n_x)
b1 -- bias vector of shape (n_h, 1)
W2 -- weight matrix of shape (n_y, n_h)
b2 -- bias vector of shape (n_y, 1)
Implementation of cost function
Implementation of derivatives
dW =, A_prev.T) /m # (current_unit_size, prev_unit_size)
db = np.sum(dZ, axis=1, keepdims=True) /m # (current_unit_size ,1)
dA_prev =, dZ) # (prev_unit_size, m)
Implementation of cost derivative
Assignment part 2 of 2:
Shape memo:
# train_x's shape: (12288, 209)
# test_x's shape: (12288, 50)
# train_y shape: (1, 209)
# test_y shape: (1, 50)
# Reshape and standardize procedure
# Reshape the training and test examples
train_x_flatten = train_x_orig.reshape(train_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T # The "-1" makes reshape flatten the remaining dimensions
test_x_flatten = test_x_orig.reshape(test_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
# Standardize data to have feature values between 0 and 1.
train_x = train_x_flatten/255.
test_x = test_x_flatten/255.
# 1. 2-layer nn
"""From prev assigment
def initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y):
return parameters
def linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation):
return A, cache
def compute_cost(AL, Y):
return cost
def linear_activation_backward(dA, cache, activation):
return dA_prev, dW, db
def update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate):
return parameters
parameters, costs = two_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims = (n_x, n_h, n_y), num_iterations = 2, print_cost=False)
parameters : final param of W1, b1, W2, b2
costs: list of each calculated cost (float)
Code in the 2-layer func
parameters = initialize_parameters(n_x,n_h,n_y)
# X: (n_x, m)
# W1: (n_h, n_x)
# b1: (n_h, 1)
A1, cache1 = linear_activation_forward(X, W1, b1, activation = "relu") # or relu
# A1: (n_h, m)
# W2: (1, n_h)
# b2: (1, 1)
A2, cache2 = linear_activation_forward(A1, W2, b2, activation = "sigmoid") # or relu
# A2: (1, m)
cost = compute_cost(A2, Y)
dA2 = - (np.divide(Y, A2) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - A2))
dA1, dW2, db2 = linear_activation_backward(dA2, cache2, activation = "sigmoid") # or relu
dA0, dW1, db1 = linear_activation_backward(dA1, cache1, activation = "relu") # or relu
parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)