Plant Treatment by types
整枝 せいし
Target: grow 2 branches from 1 root
- Starting from the root, find the 1st flower vine(ツル).
- Under this flower vine, mark the 1st わき芽, it will become the 2nd branch to grow tomato.
- All other わき芽 should be cut. (except flower for sure)
摘心 てきしん
If the branch grow up to too high, we need to cut the main branches, in order to keep the nutrition for tomato.
Target - keep 1 main branch only (But allow わき芽 to grow 1-2 cucumber)
If cucumber is super curved, it could be a signal of not enough water or 肥料. If take no action, the plant could die.
- Cut the 1st to 5th わき芽 from the bottom. It is to improve the branches growth and cucumber growth.
- The 1st or 2nd cucumber(after cutting 5 わき芽) should be cut as early as possible. Otherwise it prevents the branches growing up.
- Cut the main branch IF it grow up until higher than human.
- For all 子ヅル, cut the head while keeping 2 leafs.
2 weeks after planting, once every 2 weeks.
Point: if water or 肥料 is not enough, it could die easily.
I.e. 肥料を絶対切れさせない
Initial target : keep 3 branches
- From the 1st flower, keep 1st わき芽 above it AND below it.
Cut all わき芽 under those.
1st and 2nd eggplant should be cut a bit early than usual. To keep the nutrition.
When main branches grow up:
整枝は収穫と関連させながら行います。まず、花がまだ蕾のときに側枝の花の上の葉を1枚残して摘芯します。この花が果実になって収穫した後、基部2芽のうち強い芽の上で切り戻します。その芽が大きくなって蕾が見えてきたら、前回と同じように、蕾の上の葉を1枚残して摘芯します。果実の収穫ごとにこれらの作業を繰り返します。生育がよく、主枝が背丈よりも高くなるようであれば自分の手の届く範囲で摘芯を行います。 (Source here)
Don't make it lack of 肥料!
Refill 肥料 every 2 weeks
Target: grow 3 branches.
- Cut all the わき芽、except 1 branches above and under the 1st ピーマン.
Cut those branches that face toward inside, to keep enough air flow.
Also cut the 2nd or 3rd flower for growing up better later
If the 3rd / 4th branches are blocking air & sunlight in the middle, cut them:
第三分枝から発生する側枝は早めに取り除きます。この側枝は懐枝と呼ばれ、株の中央に強く伸び、採光性を悪くしたり、風通しを妨げて病気を助長したりします。ある程度生育し、側枝が強く長く伸びてしまう場合は、2~3節で摘芯してもよいです。ただし、過度の摘芯は葉枚数の低下を招き草勢が衰えてしまったり、日焼け果を助長させたりするので注意が必要です. (Source here)
- Cute the main branch when main leafs become more than 6, i.e. 6 leafs remain.
- Then, only keep 4 branches with the best condition. Cut all other branches of main branch.
- Target : keep totally 2 watermelon among 4 branches.
- Cut 1st and 2nd watermelon before growing up.
- Like the image below, grow between 16- 22
- 植え付け20日後から2〜3週間に1回のペースで追肥 します。畝の肩か株間にまいていきます。
- This pic shows the unhealthy leaf → 追肥する! (image ref)
Depends on the growth.